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fortnite pc and pubg pc is banned in china

   fortnite pc and pubg pc is banned in china       

If you are a gamer in China, then there is bad news for you. If information circulating the internet is to be believed, 20 games have been assessed by China’s Online Gaming Ethics Review Committee. 9 of these 20 games have been banned including the most popular battle royale games – Fortnite and PUBG. The cause given for banning PUBG is “blood and gore” whereas for Fortnite, the reason given is “Blood and gore, vulgar content”. The other 11 games on the list need some corrective actions. Blizzards Overwatch for example needs a corrective action and the cause given is that the “Game visuals promote incorrect values, inharmonious chatroom”. Diablo on the other hand has “Inharmonious chat, game missions include fraud” and hence needs corrective action. You can check out the complete list of 20 games below. The list comes courtesy of

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